Need A Financial Product Forums Insurance Basic features of LIC Jeevan Akshay Pension Policy Basic-features-of-LIC-Jeevan-Akshay-Pension-Policy_REPLY


The important features of LIC jeevan Akshay Pension Policy are: a) death benefits rely upon the Annuity option taken by the policy holder after the vesting date. b) The person insured can chose to receive the pension from the entire deposit. c)there is an array of 5 option available for pension under LIC jeevan Akshay Pension Policy (i) Annuity for life (ii)Annuity guaranteed for certain time (iii)Increasing annuity (iv) 50% annuity for joint life last survivor 100% annuity for joint life last survivor (v)Annuity with return of purchase price on death. The annuity for the policy is paid quarterly , half yearly and annually