Need A Financial Product Forums Insurance Please provide details of Jana raksha plan of LIC? Please-provide-details-of-Jana-raksha-plan-of-LIC_REPLY

Sameer Kapoor

Jana raksha plan of LIC is a policy which is designed on the basis of suggestions from various cross sections of the people living outside India. Jana raksha plan of LIC helps these people who live outside India to face the challenges of the ever changing world and the uncertainties posed by this world. Some developments and activities of this ever changing world create the sense of uncertainties and we have to face them whether we like it or not. Leaving the reasons of these developments and activities behind, the uncertainty creates a notion of insecurity and if it has an impact on the livelihood it directly affect the family too. At this point of time the insecure person needs guidance as he looks for different solutions. Jana raksha plan of LIC helps in the same guidance and help of the person in need.